Hey there, friend! I'm betting you found your way here from Pinterest. This post is quite old now, and I have to be honest, I haven't ever been able to stick with the no-poo routine. However, a friend of mine shared her tips for successful, sustainable no-poo routines here in this post: Shampoo-Free: Why and How.
If natural living is your thing, can I invite you to stick around and read about some other natural living practices of mine that land on the far side of crunchy like washing my face with oil, using cloth mama pads, and even using cloth TP!)
On with my original post!
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I cannot even believe I am considering this.
It's all Keeper of the Home's fault. On Wednesday, her Works for Me tip was about going shampoo-free. (Referred to mostly as going "no 'poo" but I just can't make myself call it that. Yet.) So, I've been around the natural living world long enough to have heard of this plenty of times. And plenty of times it's landed on my glad-it-works-for-you-but-I-will-not-be-trying-it list.
But then late last year, The Coach talked me into trying the Oil Cleansing Method, which sounded totally insane to me, but has actually been one of the best and healthiest things I have ever done for my skin.
In fact, I started thinking back, and I can't think of one single crunchy change I've made in the past two and a half years that has been a total flop; in fact, most have been pretty positive, rewarding changes overall. Cloth diapering, wearing babies, more whole foods, mama cloth, less toxic and more natural home cleaning and clothing care, the above mentioned OCM . . . these have all been good, healthy changes for me.
And so Stephanie's post got me thinking, ya'll. What if this could work for my oily scalp and dried out damaged hair?
But it sounds so . . . crazy.
Here are some links (most all courtesy of Stephanie/Keeper of the Home's post):
Info: Shampoo Free
Clothesline Alley's Caring for L-O-N-G Hair Tips
The Herbwife's Kitchen's Shampoo? What Shampoo? Simple Herbal Hair Care (read the comments, too)
There's more to be found, I'm sure.
What do you guys think? Should I give it a try? Raise your hand Let me know in the comments if you want me to try it and if you would like to see a pictures of the process. Is there anything I won't do for ya'll?
(For those who only know me online, I'm not the most high-maintance, fixy-uppy gal around town. I wear a bare minimum of make-up, bareMinerals only these days, and 99.9% of the time, my shoulder-length hair is up in a clip or ponytail. So there's that insight as you weigh in your thoughts.)