I joyfully and intentionally spent most of Thanksgiving and the days that followed away from the computer. I've been craving reconnection with the flesh-and-blood-and-leaves-and-twigs world around me, and I admit to now feeling quite satiated.
This did mean, however, that I didn't quite get around to writing up The Thanksgiving Post.
Understatement alert: I have so much for which to be thankful. Our life is far from perfect, but the abundance of amazing in my life is staggering.
Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside. *
One area of my life in which I don't think I could ever express my gratitude enough is to you all. It is with so much smiling disbelief that I step back and look at this year for SortaCrunchy.
When I first started using Feedburner back in April 2008, sixty-three (blessyourheart) readers subscribed to silly ol' SortaCrunchy.
This time last year? On this very last day of November? The approximate reader number was about 191.
Why on earth so many of you have seen fit to add me to your reader or invite me to your email inbox in 2009 is just beyond me. Why you would come forth with resounding support for the project that is so close to my heart . . . why you would turn out in full force to come alongside the Vega family . . . why you walk with me through the controversial and the mundane . . .
It's all just too much.
I know that your time is precious. That you would spend a few minutes with me on a (completely not daily) basis renders me as close to speechless as my loquaciousness-prone self can get.
Thank you.
Times infinity.
* closing lyric from my life hymn - Great is Thy Faithfulness
picture from D Sharon Pruitt