SortaCrunchy turned four this month.
Some years I make a big deal out of the blogiversary, and some years I do not. I'm not in a big deal kind of mood this year. More on that in a bit.
I'll tell you what really, really is a big deal to me and that is you all. I cannot express to you how much I appreciate that you take time from busy lives to stop by this cozy corner every now and again. Such blessing.
In the time that has passed since I opened my sorta crunchy corner, so many other blogs have popped up that are just incredible! fantastic! and amazing! I'm honored and humbled to find myself in the company of such insightful writers, creative artists, and engaging personalities.
As you all know, I go through quiet times every now and again. I've said before and I'll say again - I just get bored with myself. I can't imagine that I have anything to say that anyone should spend time reading. I'm sort of spinning out in that ditch at the moment.
I'm going to take a step out into the vulnerable and ask a favor of you.
I want for you to ask me a question.
It can be about anything. Really. Anything. I did this once way back in 2007 in preparation for NaBloPoMo, but my goodness, haven't things changed since then? I mean, at the time I thought we would never leave Texas for any reason other than football. Yep. Things have changed, haven't they?
I do reserve the right to use my discretion in which questions I answer, but I'm a pretty open person. If you've been around here for any amount of time, you know I'll talk about just about anything.
So ask away. What is that you might like to know?
photo courtesy of macinate