Y'all have served up some delightful questions for me. I can't wait to dig in.
I'm starting with the question from the creative and talented Stephanie of The Little Stuff of Life who asked me:
What's the least crunchy thing you do on a regular basis?
Oh, there is so much. SO MUCH. I truly do not know if I can pin down the least crunchy thing about me.
This is one reason why I am so very glad that all those years ago, I had the foresight to place the modifier "sorta" in front of the descriptor "crunchy." I know to some of you, I am crunchier than an organic baby carrot stick. But would you believe in certain circles, I may as well be that big ol' bowl of oatmeal (with the caramelized bananas on top - yum)?
I'm just going to sit here for three minutes and free-write a list that explains why:
* occasionally feed my children some sort of processed food (a la goldfish crackers)
* occasionally succumb to the glow of the Golden Arches
* shop at W a l - M a r t on a fairly regular basis (although I do use my reusable shopping bags every time now! The irritation it causes the checkers has become my motivation.)
* only buy organic when we can afford it
* regularly forget to get my order in on time to the Oklahoma Food Co-Op (which is a big fat disgrace) (I mean the part about forgetting to order. The Oklahoma Food Co-Op is AWESOME!)
* have bailed (again) on shampoo-free (although I do use only Burt's Bees) (but even that isn't truly crunchy because I *should* buy local, hand-crafted, right?)
* watch TV
* allow my girls to watch TV
* called to public schools
* haven't read Nourishing Traditions and feel overwhelmed by the Real Food Movement
* don't know where to buy or how to use coconut oil (half of you just gasped and half of you are scratching your heads)
* can't sew/knit/crochet . . . more to come on that topic, though
* vaccinate (selectively and delayed, but still it does tip the scales in the direction of soggy)
* The c-sections
Okay. So that's just three minutes of brainstorming my sogginess. I am CONFIDENT I will remember more as the day goes along. (If you are new here and haven't read it yet, may I suggest reading the story behind the blog name?)
But I sorta love that sorta. It allows for all kinds of freedom. I like freedom.
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This is an entry in Jamie (Steady Mom)'s weekly 30 Minute Blog Challenge.
Speaking of Jamie, you can read her interview at Simple Mom here and read Rachel's lovely review of Steady Days here (her giveaway is still open and mine is, too!).
photo by reya.