Photo by Schluesselbeinin2007
Back in January, I asked for some questions to spur me onward, and y'all showed up with some amazing inquiries. I want to honor that by actually answering them, so I'm going to take that on over the next week or so.
Here we go!
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My sweet friend Amanda asked me:
Can you envision anything bringing you back to Texas? Please? Soon? ♥
A few nights ago, I dreamt we were moving back to San Marcos. I woke up ensconced in warmth and dreamy joy. When I became fully aware that it was just a dream, I cried. For real. I miss Texas so much. A year ago today, I wrote a little list of all the things I miss about it.
Can I see us moving back there? Kyle and I plan to retire somewhere in the Valley. Prior to that? Only if God's tender mercy and sovereign will allows for it. My growing up years were spent here in Oklahoma, but The Republic will probably always feel like home to me.
sniff sniff Moving on . . .
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Now, let's see, Amanda (different Amanda from above), Sheila, Stephanie, and Lisa all wanted to know about our plans for more children.
I mentioned in the NFP post that we are currently avoiding trying to get pregnant.
Will we ever have another?
Oh, this question is so complicated for me. Let me attempt to break it down:
On the one hand, I always dreamed I would have at least three kids. On the other hand, I never dreamed I would have had two Cesarean births.
The possibility of being able to try for a VBA2C in Oklahoma looks pretty slim. C-sections are major surgeries with inherent risk. Honestly? I am scared to have another one.
I would guess, at some point, we'll try for at least one more.
I do need a gracious, loving scripted response to the "are you going to try for a boy?" question. I don't mind a bit when people ask if we are going to have more kids. But what am I supposed to do with the gender question here? It's not like we get to choose.
(Oh, you can have your Shettles Method. We tried that with AJ and she is evidence of God's jovial response to our attempt to control the matter.)
I could really spin out on this, but my friend Robin at Not Ever Still Life already voiced her opinion on the question, so I'll defer to her passionate and eloquent response. (Robin is, by the way, currently babymooning with her itty-bitty brand new little boy.)
Annnnnnnnnnnnd, moving on.
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My sweet, sweet friend Corey asked: What is something you do JUST FOR YOURSELF? Something that puts YOU first?
For about five years, the thing that I have done that is just for myself is this: Enforce an early bedtime for our children.
Now, I know, I know. Some of you may think that we AP-ers just let our kids run all over the place until all hours of the night when they crash out on the floor. I can't tell you what other families do, but that is not what we do.
I read a lot - a lot - of material on sleep back in The Dark Days. One positive and healthy thing I came away with is how early bedtimes are good for babies and little ones. My babies were usually in bed for the night by 6:30 or 7:00. Dacey is now five and AJ is two and a half and we still have a fairly strict lights-out by 8:00 rule. They usually talk, play, and sing for awhile (sometimes an hour longer) in their beds, but they are in their beds by 8:00.
So maybe this isn't just for me. I believe it is good for them. But it's really, REALLY good for me.
Those hours from eight o'clock until I crash out on the floor (kidding) are my Off-Duty time. I read, watch TV, return telephone calls, play on the computer, watch movies with Kyle . . . whatever I feel like doing. I guard my evening downtime fiercely, and if I don't get it, I get very cranky. It's the best possible thing I can do for myself in this season of life. It's (almost) just for me.
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That's it for today! More tomorrow. (Meanwhile, The 40 Days of Joy continue at Megspots. Days 12 and 13 can be seen there.)