Wow! Has this week every gotten away from me. I cannot even believe it is Friday!
I wanted to make mention of the last three stops on the Spirit-Led Parenting: From Fear to Freedom in Baby's First Year
book discussion tour:
Dulce de leche: Finding the Freedom to Co-Sleep
We emphasize over and over that the practice of co-sleeping is not in any way a requirement for parenting that is spirit-led, but we heard so many stories from parents who felt they had to keep this practice a secret from family and friends, we felt it was worth devoting a chapter of discussion to the topic.
Grace for Moms: Spirit-Led Parenting and Learning a New Song
An approach to parenting that deviates from the schedule-driven approaches that are popular today is often confused with chaotic parenting. In this post, Laura talks about the beauty in finding God's rhythm for each family for each moment in time:
The order that works so beautifully for some parents (and babies) is not God’s intention for every family. He does not establish order for the sake of order, but to clear the way for the move of His Kingdom. The rhythms of the Spirit lead some homes to more structured days and nights, and others to a less predictable beat under the masterful lead of His sovereign direction.
And today, Modern Mrs. Darcy: Spirit-Led Parenting (Or, I Love a Good Redemption Story)
The last chapter of our book was one of the sweetest for Laura and I to write because time and perspective and lots of teaching from our loving Father had brought so much redemption to our hard-lived stories that inspired this book to begin with. I could cry again reading Laura's sweet thoughts on how it all came full circle in the end.
Thanks for sharing with us in the discussion of each chapter in the book. I know that Laura and I will forever hold this book and its message so close to our hearts. Your support, emails, kind words, and reviews mean the absolute world to us!